Keep Pests Out of Your HVAC System

Keep Pests Out of Your HVAC System

Most HVAC systems work by exchanging your house’s air with the air outdoors and you want to keep any pests out of your HVAC system. Holes in the exterior of your house for vents could mean possible openings where insects and other household pests can find their...
Balancing Your A/C System

Balancing Your A/C System

The HVAC technicians at Affordable Service occasionally receive phone calls that reference hot or cold zones in their home or office and wanting to know about balancing their A/C system. Before you call us for service, there are some easy, do-it-yourself options that...
What Type of AC Service Do I Need?

What Type of AC Service Do I Need?

Now that it’s getting a little warmer out, you are probably starting to wonder ‘what type of AC service do I need?’ and you are probably ready to turn on your air conditioner! In New Mexico, the summers can get reach the 90’s so you definitely want to make...
Pay Less to Stay Comfortable

Pay Less to Stay Comfortable

When reviewing your bills each month, you may be dismayed to see energy usage and costs steadily increasing over time when you should pay less to stay comfortable. Affordable Service Plumbing and Heating can sympathize. We are always looking for ways to make our homes...