How Does a Ceiling Fan Cool the Room?

How Does a Ceiling Fan Cool the Room?

Ceiling fans are found in most New Mexico homes and often used to circulate air inside the home or office. But how do they work to cool the air? Ceiling fans produce a wind chill effect. Imagine being outside on a chilly day and the cold breeze makes you shiver....
7 Ways to Improve Air Quality

7 Ways to Improve Air Quality

We spend the majority of our day at home, so the quality of the air inside the home can have a big impact on our health or how family members feel. It’s important to have healthy indoor air and to improve the indoor air quality to reduce allergens and illnesses. Poor...
Hard Water and Your Swamp Cooler

Hard Water and Your Swamp Cooler

In Rio Rancho, we live with hard water. That means it has a lot of dissolved minerals, largely calcium and magnesium, which can create buildup much faster than if your water was soft. For homes that use evaporated cooling, what we know as swamp coolers, hard water can...