Tips To Beat The Summer Cooling Bill

Tips To Beat The Summer Cooling Bill

Here at Affordable Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Electric our technicians have compiled a list of helpful tips to keep you cool and your cooling bill lower. The last thing anyone needs is a hefty electricity bill just to keep you and your family cool this...
Beginning of Summer A/C Check Up

Beginning of Summer A/C Check Up

Affordable Service Knows that now summer has begun, it’s time for a quick check up to make sure your air conditioning units are working as efficiently as they can to help keep you cool. Our technicians have come up with some at home checks that you can do, as well as...
HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

Our expert technicians at Affordable Service have worked with many pet owners and recommend taking a few steps for maintaining your heating and cooling system. When you’re a pet owner, you do everything you can to make your animals comfortable. Pets are members of the...