Is Fall an Ideal Time To Replace my A/C?

Is Fall an Ideal Time To Replace my A/C?

Is your HVAC system not keeping up with your needs as well as it used to? Over time, the things we use and come to rely on most, especially our air conditioning unit during the warmer months, are one of those appliances that make life’s conveniences a necessity....
How Often Should You Change Your Heater Filter?

How Often Should You Change Your Heater Filter?

You might be wondering what the correct length of time may be when switching out your furnace air filters. Well, there really aren’t specific guidelines, just recommendations, and sometimes it can simply be based on how they look. Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating,...
Why Annual Furnace Inspections Are Recommended

Why Annual Furnace Inspections Are Recommended

Annual furnace inspections may not be on your yearly list of things to do, but they should be! Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating, A/C, and Electric receive calls regularly in the Fall season to check furnaces before they will be used daily during the cold winter....