Are you feeling as tired as we are from the sweltering summer weather? Well, it’s a big financial commitment, but with temperatures recently exceeding one hundred degrees, buying a new HVAC system may be what you need. According to the DOE, “air conditioners use...
Did you know USB outlets provide optimized charging for your devices, helping them get juiced up much quicker than a regular outlet? This is just one of the newly popular USB outlets’ advantages over standard. With USB chargers now being used daily for devices...
As a homeowner, it’s crucial to have a basic understanding of how to troubleshoot common HVAC issues. Whether your unit won’t power on or you’re experiencing low airflow, having some troubleshooting knowledge can help you address these minor issues...
Unlike cold nights, hot ones can often disturb our comfort and lead to poor sleep patterns due to increased wakefulness plus reduced slow-wave and rapid-eye-movement sleep. So, how do you effectively counteract these effects? Well, if your home is equipped with a...
As summer approaches, the temperature in New Mexico is expected to rise, making it essential to keep your air conditioning system running at its best to beat the heat and to reduce your energy bill! Thankfully, the team at Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating, A/C,...
Within a few weeks, you’ll likely turn on your swamp cooler or refrigerated air system as our New Mexico days warm up. That means blowing air through the ductwork, which may not have had airflow since last fall when you changed from cooling to heating. When you first...
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We offer free estimates on installations and equipment upgrades such as: refrigerated air conversions, furnace installations, home re-pipes and other large jobs. Service calls, general maintenance and repairs do not qualify for a free estimate.