Protecting outdoor faucets during winter is critical to avoid damage caused by freezing. Doing so is particularly important in regions like New Mexico, where freezing temperatures are frequent. If left unprotected, the water inside the pipes can freeze, expand, and cause the pipes to burst, leading to extensive water damage. To prevent this from happening, here are three measures you can take to safeguard your outdoor faucets:

Unplug the Hose and Turn Off the Water Spigots

During the winter months, it is important to remember to disconnect your hose and turn off your water. These tasks may seem easy to overlook, but they are crucial to prevent potential damage. When you leave your hose attached to the faucet outside in cold weather, water may become lodged in your spigot and will freeze, causing it to burst. This damage will ruin your faucet and pipe and can be costly. You’ll avoid this issue altogether by turning off the spigot and draining it.

Install Water Faucet Protectors

You can easily find a faucet protector at your local hardware store to shield your outside faucet when the temperature gets below freezing. These protectors are insulated and simple to install – ensure they fit securely over the entire spigot itself. With these, you’ll have sufficient protection to keep it from freezing and bursting.

Purchase a Freeze-Proof Faucet

If you’re hesitant about the process of winterizing your outdoor faucets each year, there’s an alternative solution. You could purchase a freeze-proof or frost-free faucet that withstands freezing temperatures without damage. These faucets are designed to provide year-round convenience, allowing you to use the faucet even in the coldest seasons but without needing to switch them out for summer. By installing a frost-free faucet, you can avoid the hassle of winterizing and enjoy the benefits of outdoor water usage throughout the year.

When to Call the Pros

Fixing a busted pipe or damaged faucet isn’t a simple DIY option. So, if this does unfortunately happen to you, our team at Affordable Service Plumbing Heating and Cooling is just a call away. We understand that encountering an emergency plumber situation can be highly stressful for property owners. That’s why we’re here to help you 24/7 with any plumbing emergency in your home. As local plumbers in Rio Rancho and Albuquerque, we’re always ready to provide you with top-notch plumbing services whenever you need us the most.