My Furnace Went Out. Now What?

My Furnace Went Out. Now What?

Winter temperatures have finally arrived in New Mexico. This time of year, if your furnace goes out, the temperature in your home can drop quickly. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it can put your home at risk. Here are a few tips to keep in mind if your furnace...
Heating System Checkup

Heating System Checkup

Are you aware that your heating system needs to have an annual inspection? Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, and Electric offer just that! Yearly inspections of your furnace help to extend its life and prevent or find damage before it becomes a...
How Often Should You Change Your Heater Filter?

How Often Should You Change Your Heater Filter?

You might be wondering what the correct length of time may be when switching out your furnace air filters. Well, there really aren’t specific guidelines, just recommendations, and sometimes it can simply be based on how they look. Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating,...