When it comes to focusing on the key factors of the price of replacing your furnace, consider Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning. Our knowledgeable staff can give you an estimate on that furnace replacement and assess your home’s current situation. The key is having the right expertise from experienced technicians that can save your furnace but can also save you money!

Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning can apply our knowledge about HVAC to a specific situation at your home. The main thing to pay attention to foremost is the size of your furnace and the BTUs. Homeowners must properly size this critical part of your home. Our trained HVAC technicians can help to explain the size differences and calculate why it matters to your wallet and more. The exact size of your home as well as the electrical situation matters when figuring out what size your furnace should be. An assessment of the energy efficiency of your home is also an important thing to consider. Additional factors to consider are if your home has insulation, solar panels or even double-paned windows.

Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning has the staff to provide you with the proper calculations because you could end up purchasing the wrong size, which can be a frustrating and costly. However, by calling Affordable Service, we can help reduce the chance of error and give you a great price when it comes to a furnace replacement. We service Rio Rancho and Albuquerque so call us today at 505-891-8907