Winter has arrived in New Mexico. With that being said, winter weather can be pretty unpredictable. Whether you own a furnace, multipurpose system, or heat pump, preparing your HVAC system for extremely cold weather is imperative. The Affordable Service team is here to help you prepare your HVAC system for those icy days and nights this winter.

  • Check and replace filters: If a cold snap is in the forecast for your area, make sure to check your filters and change them if necessary. Your HVAC unit must work extra hard in cold weather, so it’s important to check them monthly, especially if you have pets.
  • Inspect your heat pump: The heat pump is a key piece to the heating system. However, heat pumps are only efficient down to roughly zero degrees. Not much of an issue in the Albuquerque Metro Area, but definitely an issue in our northern counties and cities.
  • Maintain the furnace: Scheduling a furnace check is a great first step, especially when winter is nearing. Bringing out a professional is a great idea to ensure your furnace system is running smoothly before drastic weather changes. Regular checks will also help promote the longevity of your unit.
  • Clear your vents: It’s easy to forget about your vents when keeping track of all other HVAC maintenance. Obstructions can prevent airflow throughout your home and can make the heating system work harder than it needs to. Make sure to check all of your vents at least twice a year.

Although we don’t get excessive snow in many parts of New Mexico, snowstorms and freezing temperatures are a normal part of the winter season. To ensure your family stays warm and cozy this winter, reach out to the experts at Affordable Service in Rio Rancho. We are available 24/7 for your heating and plumbing emergencies!