Let’s look at a few energy efficiency myths about heating and cooling we’ve heard at Affordable Service and the reality behind them.
Myth #1 Attic Insulation Only Helps in Winter The fact is insulation works just as much in the summer as it does in the winter. In the summer, it keeps cool air in and keeps hot air out. You will likely see more effect in winter, but your summer air conditioning bills should also be lower. Myth #2 A Larger HVAC Unit Is Better The idea is that a larger unit won’t have to work as hard, which is true. However, a larger unit costs more upfront. Plus, because it switches on and off frequently, you may see higher repair costs for the electric control. HVAC units need to tailor made to your home or they’ll short cycle. At Affordable Service, we’ll help you choose the correct unit for your home. Myth #3 Keeping Temperatures Steady Keeps Energy Use Down This is another myth we hear at Affordable Service all the time. The truth is, when you aren’t at home, it’s better to adjust the temperature to a more efficient setting. You can do this manually. However, the better choice is to have a programmable thermostat installed and set to handle the adjustments automatically. Myth #4 Closing Vents Saves Money If you aren’t using a room, it would seem to make sense that cutting off the vents in that room would save money. The experts here at Affordable Service Heating know better. What happens is the air pressure in the vents increase because the air cannot exit as it should. This can cause the HVAC system to be less efficient. To learn more about energy efficiency, call Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning today at 505-891-8907