A furnace that needs repair is not something that should be taken lightly so if your furnace needs repair, here’s what to look out for

 As if not having a warm home isn’t bad enough, a broken heating system can be deadly if it’s leaking carbon monoxide or is a potential fire hazard.

Burning Smell

If you detect the odor of something burning every time you turn on your heater, that could be a good indication that it needs to be repaired. It could be a sign that it is at risk of overheating. If it’s an electric furnace, a burning smell may mean there’s a problem with the wiring.

Strange Noises

If you suddenly hear strange noises you’ve not heard before, there could be a mechanical issue with it, and you should get it checked out immediately.


If you notice that your furnace only runs for a very brief time before shutting off and then starting up again, this could indicate a problem with the thermostat, or it could even mean the whole system is not right for your home and it needs to be updated.

If any of these problems sound familiar to you, then it’s time to contact a furnace repair company. Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning has an experienced staff and unparalleled customer service. They’re also a furnace repair company that’s affordable. Contact Affordable Plumbing and Heating today and find out how they can help! Call us at 505-891-8907 if you have questions about your furnace. We offer annual furnace safety inspection and maintenance services!