The Importance of a Home Visit for an A/C Conversion Estimate

The Importance of a Home Visit for an A/C Conversion Estimate

In the scorching heat of summer, a malfunctioning air conditioning system or swamp cooler can turn your home into a sauna. It's times like these when homeowners turn to experts like Affordable Service HVAC for relief through A/C conversions. But why is it crucial for them to visit your...

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Water Heater Sediment and Its Impact on Your Pipes

Water Heater Sediment and Its Impact on Your Pipes

When it comes to household appliances, your water heater often flies under the radar – quietly working behind the scenes to provide hot water for your daily needs. But the experts at Affordable Service HVAC and Plumbing know that lurking within your water heater lies a potential threat...

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Why There’s No Hot Water: Affordable Service Solutions

Why There’s No Hot Water: Affordable Service Solutions

Hot water is a daily luxury we often take for granted until it suddenly disappears. The frustration of turning on the faucet only to be met with a blast of icy water can be disheartening, leaving us wondering why our trusty water heater has abandoned us! At Affordable Service in Rio...

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Unearthing the Hidden Culprit: Underground Water Leaks

Unearthing the Hidden Culprit: Underground Water Leaks

According to the Copper Development Association, 95% of existing homes in the United States utilize copper pipes, with 80% of new construction still using this technology. And, in most cases, copper pipes can last 50 to 75 years underground without any issues. However, certain soil...

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Energy-Efficient Cooling Solutions for New Mexico Homes

Energy-Efficient Cooling Solutions for New Mexico Homes

Living in the Land of Enchantment comes with its perks, but as the temperature begins to rise, so does the need for efficient cooling solutions. At Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating, A/C and Electric, we understand the unique challenges New Mexico homeowners face, and we're here to...

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Optimizing Heating Efficiency in Your New Mexico Home

Optimizing Heating Efficiency in Your New Mexico Home

As February ushers in cooler temperatures in New Mexico, it's time to cozy up and make sure your home's heating system is firing on all cylinders. We know that a well-heated home is a happy home, so let's dive into some practical tips to optimize your heating efficiency and keep the...

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The Advantages of Tankless Water Heaters

The Advantages of Tankless Water Heaters

At Affordable Service Plumbing, Heating, A/C and Electric, we're always on the lookout for innovations that enhance your home's comfort and efficiency. One innovation that is reshaping the way we experience hot water is the tankless water heater. Gone are the days of bulky storage tanks...

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