When the air conditioning system in your Albuquerque or Rio Rancho home or office stops working, you need repair—fast and affordably! Affordable Service HVAC offers prompt air conditioning repair service for residential and commercial properties.
Whether your air conditioner is low on refrigerant or if it’s not cooling at all, our certified technicians will diagnose the problem and perform the necessary repairs while on the site that day!
Refrigerated A/C systems are made up of two major components: the condensing unit that sits outside the building, and the evaporative coil (sometimes called the A-coil) that sits inside the furnace plenum or air handler. The A-coil works to transfer cool air by picking up the heat inside the building and moving it to the outdoor condensing unit. The fan in the condensing unit blows outside air through the condensing coil to remove the heat.
Most refrigerated air conditioning repairs should be left to experienced A/C service technicians. Because the A/C capacitors hold electricity, even when the power is turned off, there is risk of electric shock any time the A/C unit’s cover is lifted. The condensing unit also holds the compressor, but leave that to a professional A/C technician to replace, as well as the condenser fan motor, another item that may be the cause for the unit to not be cooling properly.
It often seems that A/C units work fine until the hottest summer days. Whether it’s an air conditioning repair emergency or you’ve been noticing a decrease in your air conditioner’s efficiency, call Affordable Service HVAC to handle your cooling repairs. Our GPS-dispatched trucks and air conditioning repair technicians serve the Greater Albuquerque metro area, and will make your home or office comfortable again!